I adore this whole post. Vehemently disapprove of the scroll deciding our fate.

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Enjoyed every word of this post! So clever how you connected Candlemas/the liturgical calendar and its history to gardening/rhythms of the earth, growing daylight and the planting calendar. Also your photos are dreamy.

P.S. That 10 year DIY leap from groundhog shadow on a cardboard box to cosplay Mandalorian helmet from upcycled cardboard is truly notable. But I wish I didn't know about the scroll thing. So silly. That is not the way.

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Love the groundhog's shadow.

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Chic Hanson:

Good read replete with great information about gardening.

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Thanks for the progress update? Hey are you planting anything exotic? Do you have a map for your garden or is that overkill? Thanks so much Erin!

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