Polite Midwestern bees! Love it! 😄

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I love all the information shared. Wish I could retain some of the knowledge.

Hoping your new bees have the gentle personalities they seem to be showing!

Wishing everyone to bee well this week!

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I so admire your commitment to your bees! It's a lot of work and I'm looking forward to reading more.

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Thank you!

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This post was simply transcendent ❤️ I loved hearing about your bee adventures, and very much hope your “polite” new bees flourish! Celebrating Rogationtide sounds like a lovely ritual—I was very struck by your quote from Tolkien, about “some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.” Too many traditional feast days have been tossed by the wayside. Thank you, Erin!

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I'm so glad you found it meaningful, Susan! Your kind words bring much encouragement. 😊

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