To paraphrase just about everyone, I do love me a good rabbit-hole from Erin at the Suburb Farm!

This holiday deep dive was absolutely fascinating! Definitely a fun way to procrastinate 😊

I listen to many versions of Coventry Carol every holiday season, but only heard the grim lyrics with half an ear. Now that you’ve given me a deeper understanding of what the carol is about, December 28 feels very worthy of being observed by those recognizing the Christian holiday traditions.

My favorite carols are The Star Carol by Simon and Garfunkel, and O Holy Night! Thank you for all these terrific holiday insights 🌲

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Thank you so much, Susan! My in-house critics think I tend to go too long with the history tangents; I remind them I'm holding back. I figure the history nerd readers will declare themselves, and the others can scroll to the garden photos. 🤓😎

I agree, the Coventry Carol is achingly beautiful. It seems to right to lament the innocent lives lost, though it falls in the midst of festivities. There is a massacre of baby boys in the story of Chanukah as well, which ashamedly I never knew until I read it in a book yesterday.

I don't think I've heard The Star Carol, will have to look it up! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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I’m glad you haven’t succumbed to your in-house critics’ opinion! I’m looking forward to reading/admiring your always-stunning photos in The Suburb Farm in 2025 😊

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