So interesting to read about potash, thanks for sharing. I wasn’t aware of the problems here, but I shouldn’t be surprised, as I was aware of the exact same issues surrounding Phosphorous (which is also an essential ingredient in fertilisers). We’re expected to reach Peak Phosphorous in just a few years, and potentially run out entirely within the next century…
All of which is SO CRAZY and SO TYPICAL - the human race gets by for millennia producing all the nutrients that their crops require by working with nature, recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. Then someone discovers there’s a shortcut (that will make them a lot of money), and just like that the whole world pivots to a heavy reliance on non-renewable chemical products mined and produced by a tiny handful of multinational agrochemical companies. Go figure.
Wow, that's incredibly frightening! Thanks for sharing that article. The solutions seem relatively easy compared to the catastrophic consequences of current actions. It's getting the world to care that's difficult. Thanks for reading and commenting- I love meeting like-minded people from around the world.
So interesting to read about potash, thanks for sharing. I wasn’t aware of the problems here, but I shouldn’t be surprised, as I was aware of the exact same issues surrounding Phosphorous (which is also an essential ingredient in fertilisers). We’re expected to reach Peak Phosphorous in just a few years, and potentially run out entirely within the next century…
All of which is SO CRAZY and SO TYPICAL - the human race gets by for millennia producing all the nutrients that their crops require by working with nature, recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. Then someone discovers there’s a shortcut (that will make them a lot of money), and just like that the whole world pivots to a heavy reliance on non-renewable chemical products mined and produced by a tiny handful of multinational agrochemical companies. Go figure.
Wow, that's incredibly frightening! Thanks for sharing that article. The solutions seem relatively easy compared to the catastrophic consequences of current actions. It's getting the world to care that's difficult. Thanks for reading and commenting- I love meeting like-minded people from around the world.