We’re in the gray months
Here in Michigan, we’re in the longest season of the year. Gray, cloudy, cold. It lasts for months. 8 months of morning frost. Cloud cover more often than not. Snow turned to gray grit by vehicle exhaust, then to gray slush from the intermittent thaws. Gray above our heads, gray below our feet. 15 of every 24 hours covered in darkness. OK, so I’m not likely to be enlisted as a spokesperson for the state tourism board any time soon. Summer here is glorious. Fall is resplendent. But there’s a reason thousands of people from our state travel to Florida this time of year. (Sunshine, the reason is sunshine.)
Remembering the green times
So I thought some photos of green plants and sunny days might be in order.
The Backyard, Garden Progress 2016 to 2021
Starting with a straw bale tomato and herb garden in the summer of 2016.
The slow dismantling of the lawn began the next summer (2017).
2018, the lawn still survives but there’s a strip of food production at the north fence.

2019 brings expansion of the garden and a garden fence, mainly to guard the produce from one particular member of the household: Puppy, Terror of Gardens.

Summer 2020, the world changed so why not double the garden space? We left the fence posts but moved the fence. More lawn was sacrificed. We ramped up our compost game. Basically, we were all in now to this food garden thing.
Summer 2021, cramming as many plants in that garden as we could. It got a little wild. Might add some organization in 2022? But oh, just drink in all that green!
So friends…
How are you holding up this January? Is it cold and gray where you live? Frigid and snowy? Year-round warmth and sunshine and you can’t fathom why anyone would live anywhere else? Feel free to commiserate or gloat accordingly in the comments. Until next week…